Dear friend, I'm writing to let you know that the 2009 Hong Kong International Forum, scheduled for April 17-19, has been postponed. Weighing the demands on University time and resources that such an event requires against the realities of the global economic crisis, the Alumni Relations and Development Office, with the approval of President Zimmer, has decided to reschedule the forum, as it was originally designed, to a later date. In its place, we will be sponsoring a series of smaller events both in Hong Kong and throughout Asia over the remainder of the year, some of which will include President Zimmer as featured guest. As those of you who attended the 2007 London International Forum can attest, such global gatherings of Chicago alumni and friends offer extraordinary opportunities for strengthening the University community, and I can assure you that international alumni programming remains a key Alumni Relations and Development priority. In closing, I join Senior Associate Director, Global Alumni Programs Stephanie Veit in offering sincere thanks for the guidance that you provided as we planned the Forum. We will continue to update you as the new schedule evolves. With thanks,